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Evansdale near Waterloo
Reef octopus nwb 150 skimmer, not quite a year old, excellent condition------$150 obo Avast carbon reactor with a MJ1200-----$50 PM if...
PM sent
Heck, for stock PC lights, I'd say those are decent numbers. Can't wait to see your numbers with the LEDs. What kind are you putting over it?
I want your bottle cap collection! LOL If it wasn't Xmas time I'd be all over the 50 gal tank. GLWS
If i did my math right i think you can get about 65940 emerald crabs in a 29 gal bio cube, however i would only recommend 3. Good luck Travis!
I don't know where they would of come from then Kyle, I know I've only ordered from BRS for store stock. This is the first time I've heard of a BH...
Just want to put this out there, AC&C doesn't make bulkheads, they are from BRS.
RO-NWB 150, not yet a year old, its as clean as I can get it and in excellent working condition-----$150 Cash or pay pal, Waterloo area PM...
Heck yeah Waverly can be included! Dike is one of the stops, so to go to Waverly shouldn't be an issue. To the trustees: Can a mass email be...
Me either renn, silicone will only stick to acrylic for a short time, be prepared.
Agree with Mike
PM sent Lee
Sorry Josh!, didn't think you really wanted it! It now resides at 7112 La Porte rd Washburn. Had to completely tear the tank apart to get it,...
Just what I want do do, tear my tank apart! Thanks anyway Josh I don't have the patients for the trap Jeremy!
That's what I was afraid of hearing Nic!! All my apstasia is gone now and I'm sure he's lookin to pick! What else will he go for??
I agree with Bud (turbo), Why can't you shim the stand up? Is your garage heated? If not, the heat in your house is pulling the moisture out of...