Separate names with a comma.
Another question about saltwater, I know I will use RO/DI water but I read someone used table salt to save $. Since this is just bacteria that I...
Ok I did more reading on the "cooking" process. I guess I took some bad advice, or miss-understood, when I was told I could just add dry rock to...
Thanx for all the good advice. Sounds like the best solution is to get out as much of the rock as I can afford to remove and "cook" it according...
Gone, good luck, I hope the grow better for you than they did for me.
I have been battling some green hair algae for several weeks now in a 90G tank (+15 in the sump) which has been set up for about 16 months. I know...
I have a fish trap also you can borrow, I would have to measure it for the dimensions. I work in Iowa City so that is about as close to you as I...
I have some coral (3) that are not doing so well in my tank. I am willing to give them to anyone who will come pick them up and thinks they can...
Well since I posted this my fish got sick so I put some Para-Guard, I think it was called, in the QT and the Aptasia did not seam to like that....
I thought I remember seeing a club nudibranch tank somewhere. I have some cheato with a bunch of aptasia in it. I was going to just throw away the...
I have some extra Cheato in my sump I want to pull out. I have a Quarantine tank currently running with a powder blue tang I just put in. Will...
You never know when you need that extra part from a plumbing (or Ikea) project. I save all that stuff. Problem is trying to find it when you need it.
Ya what he said! :p:) If you are just looking to get the bacteria started, put as much dry rock as you can in the sump or main tank for 2-3...
welcome to the group. Lots of good advice here. Read lots and remeber to form your own opinion. What works for one person and their system may not...