Separate names with a comma.
Well, you'll be done and out of here before I will be. Let me know if you need any help with it.
I use the API kit too
They're from a protected area off of the autrailian coast. The guy who got a chance to capture a bredding stock was EXTREMELY lucky. Check out...
That is pretty exciting. How big is your tank? And what do you plan on starting with?
Yeah, home improvement stores will definitely have it.
Who knows how old it was when you got it though. Unless you replaced it when you got it?
I'd say your DI resin is dead. Try switching it out and see if that fixes it. Sounds like the system is running great otherwise :)
Maybe they can't harvest in Florida, but Bali, Tonga, and Figi don't seem to have a problem shipping their rock here.
This. Seriously, you're playing with fire there [img] Just hope they don't have anything. I'm on my second round of full tank ich QT. 4 weeks the...
No, it's not. His piece was about 100x bigger than that [img] Bret's a good guy. He won't screw you. I got nice frags of everything in his...
So it's his fault he was taken advantage of? Also, he did make a post a while back about his fish and got no response. I'm all for standing up...
That pretty much sums up how I feel about it.
I'll be putting this up on ebay in a couple of days. I'd rather sell to someone local though.
I thought you were going to give me some of that Bret! You can come over and get some pink bird's nest frags whenever you like. It's been...
Did you list the fish in the buy/sell/trade forum? Probably could have gotten some money for them and bought a new 20! I'd say fill it up to the...
Usually I say I can get it on-line for half that price including shipping and he'll knock $30 or so off. He's in business to make money, but...
If it's silicate based sand, that might be the problem, or the tank isn't cycled yet and you're algae spiking (I've seen all colors during cycling...
$200 for the clam?? He wasn't in and his kids didn't know the prices when I was there. I've actually have a scopas tang and a flame angel on...
Bioballs are only nitrate factories if you don't maintain them properly. Rinse them every 2 to 3 months. Replace half once a year. No nitrate...
No, I didn't look that closely back there. I noticed the skimmer he had set-up wasn't running though. The clams looked really nice!