Separate names with a comma.
Its a TV show....meaning 99% is cut out. These guys own and operate a multimillion dollar business based on fish. Im sure they know what they are...
Doesn't AI hold a patent on the "puck" design for LEDs?
Do u guys really have alot of first hand problems with copperbandeds? I just ask because of all the ones I have sold to clients non have died and...
To check for that piece u new to pull the waste line off of the ro membrane and it should be inside the tube at that end. If its not there that is...
do you have the little piece of plastic inside the waste line that ups the available pressure so it can run at 150gpd?? there should be a small...
not positive but I think aptasia X would prob do it
Through my company envysion exotic critter corner(a site sponser)delivers to the IC/CR area. PM me with what you are wanting from BRS.
Is the owner from cr? A few corals look familier
ya I could prob help you out with a mounting solution for your canopy. email me at I have a system that will work...
where are you located? I have done several custom canopy mounts for tanks. Could prob help you out if your local
my tank
zoas in my tank grow like crazy and are open all the time. I have AI Sol whites set at White:40% Blue: 90%. Light is 8" of the water.
Thanks I forgot to list a few but oh well. My next cube will be mainly sps up top then my zoa collection near the bottom
ya I will attempt to list all that are in the tank. Blue Devil colony (next to the candy apples) candy Apple Colony banana cream pie Fruit...
All rock is stacked and epoxied together
My Candy Apple colony has at least 50 heads[img] My frag of Real Deal RDPE. Got this from GreenOnion a few months back. Has 6 new polyps on it...
Thought I would finally share a few pictures of my 60cube. It has been up about 9months now and im about to take it down for a custom 100 cube....
All that is really needed is 2x4 most commercial stands are just 1" plywood. Remember a 210g tank isn't actually that heavy when u compare it to...
I really wouldnt suggest finnex. their elements are fine but there controllers are awful. 3 out of the 4 I have bought have broken at some point....
Ranco controller with blue line element is what I use personally and in most of the custom setups I do. Another good one I have used several times...