Separate names with a comma.
Are we talking varied readings coming from the same batch of salt or are we talking different batches?
Alright, well let's start making a list here since we may be getting close to free shipping already! 1.5oz Jar Reef Chili - $21.99 8oz Coral...
I can also bring anything to the frag fest, although that is still a little ways away.
Didn't really have a set date. Nothing I am ordering is needed ASAP or anything, so I am willing to wait until we get the free shipping (within...
I need a few things from BRS. My total will end up being about $40. Anyone in the DSM area need some stuff? Trying to hit the $175 free shipping....
You could also try to drill a few holes in the impeller housing almost directly behind where the regular output is. This would divert some of the...
You are going to have to widen the output to broaden the flow. Just cutting the tip, assuming I am understanding what you plan to do correctly, is...
I've been happy with my RKL as well. No complaints whatsoever other than maybe firmware upgrading. That is sort of annoying as you have to updated...
I'd like one RC. I missed picking my order up about a year ago, so to avoid upsetting anyone am more than willing to pay in advance.I can give the...
Any pics of your work? I don't necessarily have plans for anything but I always love to see things people build. [img]
I have one of the ones above in my "box O' stuff" that I got from someone that was getting out. I can check the size for you when I get home. I do...
How deep is your tank? Probably more importantly, are any of your other corals having issues (I am not sure you even got anything else new)? I...
Are there supposed to be pictures? I don't see any [img]
Mark Levenson (Melevsreef) seems to like the miracle grow liquid food. If I recall he does 1mL per 2L bottle of phyto.
I can get you as many as you need. Literally. They drink like 20. 2 liters a week where I work and most are clear. I am in Ames though :-( If...
Kylie, Do you have a sump? When I had a sump on my 10g a couple years back I added a little fuge area. It was all of about 6"x6" with a small...
Hopefully we get some of our vendors listing what they will be selling. That's one thing that bummed me out about MACNA. I tried to start some...
I am sure everyone else has the same idea, and are getting all of their friends/family/acquaintances to vote like this, which only backs up the...
voted from work and my smartphone [img]
I will help you all! Subscribe to the thread and have new posts pushed to your email. If you have a smartphone, you should get an alert for new...