Separate names with a comma.
What about checking with a Plumbing Supply outfit in your area. For instance, here in the W'loo area there is Plumb Supply out on Airline Hwy.
I do a 1 hour ramp from 10 to 11 to the percentages I listed earlier till 7pm, then a 1 hour ramp to 8pm to the moon lights. Just haven't had...
What Dave said, bulkhead and plug, you can always paint the plug to match things.
WOW!! I've got a 90 (24" tall) and I run Whites at 73, Blues at 80 and Royal Blues at 90-------My corals are looking fantabulass!!
Yep Tall
PM Sent
I feed pellets, flake and frozen through out the week---As far as coral feeding, I feed Coral Frenzy (getting hard to find)or Reef Chili types of...
WOW Thank you! I ask you all for your patience, I've got a ton of things to learn but I'm confident I'll get there with a bit of time. I love...
Terri the chart I looked at on rates the wp25 for 60-120 tanks.
You got me and the wife taken care of David? Got your PM thx.
WOW thanks for all the input clubbers!!!!
Talked with a club member this weekend about his wp25-----said he really liked it so far (3 mos) So to any of you that are using these power...
PM sent
Jim I'm a firm believer of turning powerheads off while the nems find their resting place, then return flow to half of what you have and see how...
Got to agree with Mike, 100% water change. I'm afraid your going to play hell getting someone taking your "sick" coral. Good Luck
If I may....I think one of the black and white pair may have or may be ready to spawn, while cleaning in the tank today I was getting chased out...
You bet, might be easier for me to just bring some home with me after I do a feeding and check on things. Shoot me your phone number through PM...
Did you get what you needed Tang23? There are plenty at the store, I checked them out today just before I fed them, nice and active! I hope...
Keep up the good work Mark. Yes, they will tear that SA food up! Why would you not raise the next batch? Time? Were you able to help Achilles...
Tenuis gone?