Separate names with a comma.
Not sure on model num will look when I get homers is an external skimmer so the mag 3 was just to run it .
I have a aquaC skimmer and a mag drive 3 pump I would sellout $100
They do have setosa. I got more from them around frag fest and it is looking great
I have reverse superman frags small 1/2 "-3/4" and large 1"-1 1/4" $20 for small $40 for large I also have one that is a salmon color with black...
I will be moving all my tanks that weekend or I would be game for it . Hope everyone has a good time .
Put me down for one please
What are the dimensions of it please
Try Acc on the setosa , not sure if it the tyree but I just got one that is very nice and orange.
I am coming that way on Tuesday if you and him could work something out I would bring them with and drop them off at hermans for you . He has very...
By the way thanks for the great frags and all your help stuff is looking great !
I have fear & loathing chalice that I will be cutting up but not by spring fest sorry .
By the way I will be bringing a friend with to help out on my shift time also
I have a coralife same thing 3 - 150 MH & power compact needs new bulbs $100
Mfisher had like 200-300 lb contact him
ok I just don't want him fraging for you in the mean time if need be I have a tank he can go in by him self till the 220 is completely set up .
Dave I will be setting up the 220 in a month or so and would love to have him if you can wait a bit .