Separate names with a comma.
Very sweet!!!
I bet that rock looks really bad *** under actinics.... Nice clowns too!!!
Anyone know when their sales end? I might need to order tomorrow....
I would love to see a tour soon ,but did not vote or enter into this one because March holds 3 family birthdays and we did buildout every weekend...
Hmmm... you caught me... They also have toad stool and devil hand leathers for under $20.
I might be talked into waiting. I will have to look at how long their sale will continue.
I have a post in the Waterloo Area forum about a possible order from LA this week if anyone is interested.
I found something I have to have and was wondering if anyone else needed anything?
Ben, Adam can get Black Saddles also. He ususally gets around $25-30 each for them. It would save you a road trip.
Posted By fnvarner on 03/21/2008 9:50 PM looks like black saddelback clowns to me Ah, we have a winner!!! They are the black variant of A....
Posted By BoBosfishstore on 03/20/2008 8:21 PM I know they are wild because that is how the wholesaler purchased them with thousands of other fish...
Posted By BoBosfishstore on 03/19/2008 7:14 AM These are wild percs and not tank raised. Are they perculas or all black ocellaris? How do you...
Do you know where the black ocellaris (false perculas) were raised?
Ah, I thought you had a controller. Move that to the top of my list!!! [img]
With a softy tank I would spend the money on one or all of these and in this order: Fluidized canister filter for carbon, Top notch skimmer,...
The only reason people do not charge more for their fish in many cases is because they are limited by the price of wild caught fish. Your discus...
Craig, I wouldn't mind taking some off your hands. Let me know what you want for it and maybe I can find some time this week to swing over....
Having been in Hung's shoes, I think Jason(Glaspie69) hit the nail on the head. It is not fair for you to sit here and judge what the man feels...
If you buy 2 I would hope hung would work with you on the price... They are black A. Ocellaris clowns.
Looks like 50-50 to me. 2 of the choices are photography related and could be eaily combined...