Separate names with a comma.
what is the web address?
Also can I please add that I'm very happy there will be fish there!!!! So happy that you listened when everyone said they wished there were fish...
Do you have an idea of when prices might be listed? Or will we have to wait till SF? Also are we able to pre order or first come first serve?
Forgot to mention mine is in the left side glass so that it pushed the flow in the same direction as the return.
I have one koralia pump on my 29 cube. If you keep the return pump clean one pump will be more then enough. Pump in the back chamber kicks out a...
Huge thanks goes out to Roman!!!!! And Candi for helping out. Roman got it all done in about 10 mins. He just cut the pvc then used a coupler with...
Very awesome. My dog would have a hay day in that. He would be pawing away at all the fish. LOL
They are threaded. But the black elbow piece on the overflow I'm being told is glued. Roman I know you are very close to my place about 10 mins....
And yes Kelly the stand did turn out really well. I'm very happy with Kyles work!!! Highly reccomend him to anyone looking to have a stand or...
I think maybe it would be a good idea to have a meeting on plumbing. How to set it up and how it works. Would be great for all of us newbie's to...
No one is able to help me out?? I will pay someone at this point to come help me out. I really need this done soon.
Bumping as I hope to have this ready to go in the next week or so.
HarleyHawk was selling some.
Sold PPU at spring fest.
Bump need to get this out of my home.
Okay, I really need someone in marion/cr area that would be willing to come help me out with the plumbing for my new 40 breeder. Now that the...
Thanks guys. I'm using new sand but otherwise I'm using all the live rock and water from this tank. I will have to put everything from the 30 into...
I'm about ready here to make the move from my 30 gal to my new 40 gal with a 29 gal sump. I guess my question is if I move the water and rock over...
Sponge this 40 will be replacing my 30. So I'm planning to use as much as water and all of the rock from it. Well what I can to start. Obviously...
Also I must give a huge thank you and shout out to Mr Kyle Potter on his work. The stand is amazing and it came out even better then I had hoped...