Separate names with a comma.
*Drool* So gorgeous...
My purple firefish is my favorite because, well.... he's purple and purple is my favorite color. He matches all of the purple coraline in the tank...
I keep my tank and my chemicals separate, but I have a toddler. Maybe keep your chemicals up high and away from your tank next time? Maybe same...
46 gallon bowfront reef, sumpless as of now, although I have a 20 gallon under it waiting to be turned into a sump. 30 gallon quarantine tank...
Of course, pm me and we'll discuss pick up. :)
Up for grabs, I have a condylactis anemone that I'm giving away. He's nice and healthy and of a medium size. I would prefer a small coral frag for...
Is that a Columbian shark catfish? I like that. Good looking tank too.
I'd like some of the yumas n the Kenya tree please. :)
So, here's what I got. I took the water into Seascapes today and this is what they came up with (they also used an API test kit): Calcium- 380ppm...
@beckerj3 Thanks, that's some good solid advice. I will keep all of that in mind. I do plan on raising salinity but very slowly. I thought 1.024...
@beckerj3 I do have a skimmer, but I could probably use a better one. ;) Haha, all things within due time though as I have a lot of upgrades I...
I believe there is still a dollar per gallon sale going on over at Petco.
1. To check salinity I am using a hydrometer not a refractometer. I usually do two readings before settling on anything, since sometimes it swings...
@beckerj3 I think I'm going to slowly order the Salifert ones for the calc and alk since I already have the mag one and I will definitely bring...
Thanks guys! I appreciate it. I feel like I've gotten some good solid advice here, mainly because everything you guys have suggested was what I...
@xroads Definitely will watch the alk and maybe get some better test kits for the big 3 (cal/alk/mag). I'm just kind of bummed I wasted my money...
@Armydog I'm not adding any supplements whatsoever to the tank. I've only changed my water every week with one five gallon bucket with reef...
I figured that. How do I lower them? If I did a water change with Reef Crystals wouldn't it just be putting the same elements back into the water?...
So, I'm not new to saltwater but I am new to reef keeping. I recently acquired some corals from @beckerj3 and so far everything has been doing...
Nice. That's really smart that you set it up that way. I kind of want to keep discus also (and have my reef tank going too), but it'd just be too...