Separate names with a comma.
Thank you, would probably want to give it time to heal first or at least wait a couple of days until it starts expanding again, if you have room...
Okay....Thank you. Those are some NASTY sweepers! Wouldn't be from a Pectinia would they?
Is this a tough one to keep? I do great with other Micros (Acans) and Blastos...feed them lots-O-Mysis.....and they like my dirty water. o_O...
I'm looking for a frag of this Micro, it's known as CJ's Pink Eye. Please let me know if you have a frag available and how much. Thank you. [ATTACH]
Over the years, I have sold multiple clones of my Rose Bubble tips to people in this group and Reef Central. My original animal decided to climb...
It sounds like a lot of work, or maybe just sounds overwhelming because I've never done anything like this before. Would be so cool to raise...
Healthy Acans, Green and Blue Yuma Mushroom and Green Centered Purple Rhodactis...all with Great Color! Photos taken under T5/PC lighting. Asking...
So psyched! My pair of Yasha Gobies spawned and the eggs hatched last night. Does anyone have any idea what I would need to do to try to raise...
Not a fan of PeePads...teaches pups that it's okay to go indoors and can be confusing when you're trying to teach them that they're supposed to go...
Thank you!! :)
Photo of my 30 gallon taken with an iPad and edited with the "chrome" option.
Nice Pink & Orange Acan colony that's approximately 9 polyps....$45. Great splash of color to add to a tank! Photo is taken with my iPad under...
I hope someone found it and gets it to you.
I so enjoyed my first fest and getting to meet and chat with so many new people....spent WAY to much money! :eek: Volunteering at the...
I can do an hour....go ahead and put me down from 10-11. Will we be able to hear the speakers from the table?
It's a business out of California...AquaSD. I know some have been pleased with their orders but they've made some errors on big ticket items with...
Will be my first fest and looking forward to it!
I already had to argue with the seller for sending me a brown Alveopora that was supposed to be green with pink tips. I had never seen a green...
That's nice! Looks like it's growing well for you. How big was the frag when you got it and how long have you had it?