Separate names with a comma.
How do these sell out within 4-ish hours every time they have the $1/gallon sale and I can't get action for over a month? lol
No, I have 2 tanks.
Yes, both of them.
Both tanks available (buyer forgot to pick up when he was in town)
Yes, I still have one
One tank still available. $40 for these tanks typically sells out at PetCo the same day as sale.
Soda Ash officially sold. Kalk and CaCl still available.
Size is 10"x14". I have 2 of these. One of them is brand new, never touched. The other has a small square section cut out of it....
Kalkwasser and Calcium Chloride still available.
Still available.
Carbon is sold.
Sure, just let me know when you're around Clive area. 319.930.0636
Meet me at $12?
$35 for everything minus the Soda Ash. Price is somewhat negotiable... as they are of no use to me.
One tank still available. Prefer not to have to store in the garage for the foreseeable future.
Alright, I'll have to update the package pricing. I'm home all weekend too.
I have some dosing supplements that I won't be using for quite some time (as we just moved to DSM and haven't set up a tank and it will be a few...