Separate names with a comma.
Thought you all might like to see a video up and running of the tank, will shoot one of the sump at some point here.
Thanks, anyone that wants to check out Buds work in person is more then welcome to come check it out...
You give me the goods I'll make it happen... [img]
Spent some time getting the sump all tuned in and getting most of the cords all cleaned up. [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]...
Cool definitely interested in how you did with it.
link by any chance?
Thing is I need the Magnetic mount for use with my sump.
Just curious what brand ATOs everyone is using? I'm looking at the Tunze with the new electronic eye and magnet mount. Experiences - the good, the...
I'm in the CR area so when it gets up this way let me know probably only need it for a few hours to run a couple of tests.
Just ordered a few from bulk reef supply they will be here tomorrow via ground shipping. considering i drive all week for work waiting an extra...
Ah that makes more sense. After 6 hours of plumbing the tank I'm a bit out of it. Must be time to sleep. pm incoming
SW CR not far from pets playhouse. Tank isn't that far out of level that I would need 2x4s, from end to end atmost 1/2" total in 6', I have it...
They are wedge shape so I can stack them as needed to get the right thickness if I keep releveling jsut have to drain the tank again to do so and...
Composite shims as they don't compress like cedar shims do
Well was starting a test overflow/ drain then found out one ot the bulkheads was cracked, great so I drained the overflow out and removed the...
Yeah they don't have any atleast at last check they didn't worst case is I will order a few from bulkreefsupply and they will arrive on Tursday/...
Started to test teh drains and found out the factory bulkhead leaks. Upon closer inspection it had a crack in it so out if came. Anyone in the CR...
Yep found the ones at Theisens. Made it work without a bulkhead and it fits better this way anyways. This can be closed!
Anyone in the CR area have one?
[img] [img] [img] [img]...