Separate names with a comma.
The Android version of Tapatalk seems to be a bit flakey. I'm working on an update to our tapatalk plugin that will fix some of the tapatalk...
+1 for a shallow sand bed in the display tank. How can any tank not have a sand sifting goby? It's unfathomable! I used to have a deep sand...
I should have someone who's experienced with the MP40's come and take a look at mine. From what I can tell, I have them setup right, but they...
I like my MP40's but man they are loud.
Interesting. I wonder how hard it would be to modify it so that it could be used by an Apex break out box. If it's doable, that could be a...
And possibly upgradeability/repairability. This is a big reason why I went with AI.
Yep, I got lucky. The saving grace was probably that it came disconnected from the power cable before it got wet. Had that not happened,...
It's Alive! Alive! Working like a champ!
I'm not selling it. It's likely the control board which can easily be replace.
Well, I went home over lunch and gave it a try. No luck so back in the rice it all went. I've also contacted AI to see what they...
Did you rinse the components in RO/DI before you put them in the rice to dry? If not, it may still have had salt on the components causing a short.
So today I accidently dropped one of my AI Vega's into my tank. Yeah... Not an awesome feeling. I took it all apart, rinsed the components...
I put the MP40's on the back of the tank today and they don't seem to cause any problems.
Well, the light bar that I have is a bit brighter than the one's I've seen on pre-built units, but it could probably be turned a bit to adjust the...
Thanks for the input everyone. Sounds like a good reason to check out Coralville Bay this weekend.
How bright do you need it to be and do you need it to be controllable? I have one of the old Blue LED light strips that was given out at...
Anyone know of a place to get Cyclop-eeze locally in the CR/IC area? Looking for either frozen or freeze dried. Thx -JB
Sorry, I forgot that his post was in the Club Members forum. You could always send him a private message. [img]
FYI: Big Gene has/had 2 MP40's for sell recently in this thread:
That's interesting to know about the fungia... Never seen that before until now. @marty: If you were closer, I'd take some. [img]