Separate names with a comma.
thanks bboge13, I think it might be best to start a new thread for the actual giving of the corals, and I strongly encourage everyone to check out...
welcome to the club.
Ok, I have corals I'd like to donate, who do I give them too? What do I do? Alright, now we're talking! If you’ve got an animal that has grown...
way to go eric, and I would say maybe start with some fast growing, cheaper zoas, or maybe a kenya tree something like that just to get the ball...
it's less about trust, more about fairh
SUGGESTED GUIDELINES for DBTC Posts The suggested guidelines are only suggestions, all final decisions can be made by each donor. This is...
very reasonable concerns, and I won't lie, I would be a worried "giving" away a coral frag that retails for $70, $80, $90 or more but I think with...
welcome to the club, I'm also a fairly new member and I already feel like a part of the family, so dobt hesitate to jump right in
I plan on it +1
I'm actuallyvery excited about this and if there is a decent amount of interest I'd be more than happy to spear head this, I don't have any...
What is DBTC? DBTC, stands for Don't Break The Chain--the idea is that it works like a Pay It Forward (PIF) type program where someone donates a...
looks awesome, and its cool to see something besides the standard rectangles
I've been reading about the bay area reefers dont break the chain program in reef hobbyists magazine and I'm jusy wondering if we've ever tried...
I can help and bring knives
I'm looking for a submersible return pump for my 220, something in the neighborhood of 1400 gallons at 4' head hight,
that sounds awesome, cant wait to see pictures
tanks found, thanks Eric
I'm in C.R. I've looked on Craigslist for the last few weeks but no luck so far
I am in search of a 10 gallon tank and a couple of lights, any help would be greatly appreciated