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I'm not sure on the truth to eels being immune to a lionfishes venom but a friend of mine kept his eels with a large lionfish for years with no...
Gorgeous piece of coral! Nice growth to it also. When, if at all will you cut some frags?
That's a good idea and should do the job. You could go as far as wiring the fan to a humidistat too so it didn't run all the time, just when...
I think you have the right idea with using a door that will allow good ventilation but that's also going to allow the noise of your skimmer/water...
Thanks again for the lights, these in addition to the ones I already had, really cover the tank well!
I know you asked about a supplier in Des Moines area but Sabic Polymers in CR is amazing! They will cut any thickness to your specs, they can/will...
The finish would all depend on what look you're trying to achieve. If the tank is in an older house with beautiful woodwork, try to get your hands...