Separate names with a comma.
3 Clown fish - Big mama, Merlin, and nemo (named by our front desk ladies daughters) 6 line wrasse - Houdini ( named that because when we bought...
pmd on RO/DI
PMd about your rock
Thanks for the info guys. Guess thats the route i will be taking.
Just like it says. I have been living here now for over a year and a half and haven't found anything good around me. I live around storm lake so...
I would be interested in your dry rock and your live rock if you break up the set. Also sent you a PM about it
When i got my first anemone i wanted my clowns to host it and was told to put a picture of a clownfish on an anemone on one of the sides of the...
What i wish we had was the ability to subscribe with a cell phone so you could get ALL updates to that particular thread or forum section. So...
Thanks AJ and bud. Gotta love all the info everyone has given. That makes me feel better about doing the holes in the tank. Any brand of...
I believe the 75 is safe to drill. Have to ask AJ to double check but im guessing it will be. I was thinking about testing it out on a 10 gallon...
So with this 75 gallon im getting from AJ I have been thinking about drilling it for my parents. Has anyone had any problems with drilling a...
So is it possible to get forum section posts sent to your phone via txt. I dont have internet on my phone so it would be nice to get a txt on...
PMd you
That was quick. Found one already. wating to pick it up
So it looks like with a 75 gallon tank upgrade i will be needing a bigger sump than a 20 gallon. So if anyone has a 40 breeder tank for sale let...
Item found and waiting to go pick it up. Thanks
Forgot to say that I don't need a stand. Just the tank. Thanks
I am looking for a 75 gallon aquarium. Needs to be 48 1/2"L x 18 1/2"W x 21 1/8"H style tank. Reef ready would be preferd but non drilled is...