Separate names with a comma.
sorry i meant pet foods and seascapes not aqualand. i apologize for the error, seascapes is the one with the shark tank right? well shark pond
don't junk it if it comes to the point the point u have to take it to the dump send me a msg, i got a buddy in nashua that will come get it
when i went to aqualand and asked them some qusetions about a animal that they had, they didn't have any info at all, i asked them about a coral...
really apples huh. note to self.
so do bananas really cure ich?
so i am a really big fan of diy, i have a homade overflow, and i just bout a mag 7 utility pump that i have in my homeade sump out of a 40L....
so u deliver my aquarium fish international every month, very small world
that would be great what did u want for it?
penn. after 15th
wow marty that finally have three mason people, i am on the north end, i got a 75 with a 40 sump, some sps and a couple anenomes. i am the buddy...
anybody have a cheap acrylic tank for sale, it can be scratched and dirty and definatly used, need to go plastic on the sump don't wanna drill the...
good thing u woke up when u did though. it would have been a crappy day to come home empty handed [img]
me and czieman both live in mason and are working on the same project. i wanted the 10 we talked about for myself,the rest would go in his tank, i...
can i still get the korealis?
what do u want for just the 200lbs live rock
o crap 2400
thats a little big what is taht 1400 ghp, how much u want for it?
pm sent
so i live in mason and will be in ames area on sunday, could possibly go to des moines if its worth it. i need a mag 5 or bigger return pump
thanks for the help