Separate names with a comma.
Mine is 120 and I've only been in the hobby for a year haha hoping to upgrade sometime or multiply!
Some Blondies with the Goby photobombing
From your experience, how long did it take for the cloudy eye to go away?
I bought some fighting conches in early December and they sat on my front door step for a few hours when it was below 30 degrees and they're still...
I just bought a Desjardini Sailfin Tang and got a good deal on it because it's right eye is cloudy and has some discoloration above and below the...
@Buku Did you buy that square tank or did you make it yourself? I've been trying to find them online but have had no luck. I like the center...
PS: It's in Rhinelander WI which is a 5.5 hour drive from Cedar Rapids so to make a 12:10PM tour, we would have to leave around 6AM or drive up...
Would anybody be interested in getting a group together for a full day adventure up to the liveaquaria facility in Wisconsin on March 19th? I...
That's a little far away from me, I'm in Cedar Rapids. Are you selling anything else? Might be worth the trip if I spend a few more dollars haha
I'm looking for some Green and/or Blue SPS frags in the RC or IC area to purchase. I don't really have anything to trade yet.
Is that green one in the middle a green slimer? and how big was it when you got it?
looks like a lot of fun! Why did you buy so many? Do you have a coral business?
He has had that $100 clownfish for a few months now. I'm surprised he wont make a deal to move old product out and get new product in. I've also...
I feel like I've seen this tank on a show before. Where is this located? Maybe it was on Fish Tank Kings or Tanked?
I've only bought 2 fish from pets playhouse but I asked the older lady instead (I think she is the one that takes care of the salt water fish?)...
Whenever we decide to have a tank tour in CR, I would be willing to have people check out my tank, I have a 120 gallon Peninsula tank. Would like...
Do you guys like this store? I've never been there before, how does it compare to Coralville Bay or Bronson's Fish store?
I have a litermeter III also and run the ATO, along with the water change. 2 week ago I cleaned all 3 pumps on the litermeter and accidentally...
Thought I would update my tank build with some of the corals I have in the tank now days. Slowly growing... Takes a while to fill up a 120 gallon...
Just out of curiosity, approximately how long does it take a clam to grow to the size of a football?