Separate names with a comma.
Dang those prices are amazing!
Thanks I wish more fish would of cooperated so I could of posted more. Getting a new addition this week that I have been waiting on for a while. I...
A couple of Tang pics
I have a juvi Princess Parrot fish right now. I was hoping for a Quoyi, but could not resist this one when I seen it. I have had it for a few...
My Aussie Tusk was awesome until he started killing smaller wrasses. He is placed with a friend now.
Harlequin Tusk destroyed all my clean up crew, pistol shrimp, and coral banded shrimp. Never touched my Fire shrimp though.
@ fence 13 . Thanks for the info exactly the info I was looking for. I have an o.k. camera and a decent macro lens, I just how I can get good...
Read quite a few articles on line. Just wanted feedback on fellow local reefers. See what settings and distance they use for successful macro...
Anyone familiar with macro lens photography? Any help on settings to get good pics of fish, would be greatly appreciated. Kevin
Sorry to hear about your loss. I had a Blue jaw pair for a while. Did not harm anything. I have a few wrasses.
I have in a 125 and in a 225, no problems.
Not quite as advanced as you guys with acros. Just now getting parameters figured and stable. I will get into sps once I know Alkalinity, calcium,...
If you add a Kole tang make sure if you have the opportunity to observe it, it is fat, healthy, and an aggressive eater. Then get several mirrors...
Crosshatch Trigger and Cirrhilabrus Roseafascia Bad cell phone pics. Lightning Maroon clown as well.
It was awesome! Met a few people and everyone is always nice. Picked up a nice Scoly as well!
I had a 6 inch Aussie Tusk and was great except with smaller wrasses. I had to rehome him. Never touched a coral or my Fire shrimp.
Find that to be extremely overkill and unecessary just wipe it off with a fiber cloth every time. I am sure it is protocol and good practice but...
I also have the digital Milwaukee very accurate and so simple to use. I only calibrate it yearly and it has not failed yet.
Crosshatch and Sargassum Trigger[ATTACH] [ATTACH] More Livestock photos.