Separate names with a comma.
My green hairy are crowding another coral, slowly killing it. Any advice for spot killing mushrooms?
For sale in SE iowa. $40[ATTACH]
10" classic 150
Bought new reef octo today, even turned all the way down, it is foaming up and filling a cup about every 3 hours?
[ATTACH] Now i dont have any sand sifters that i know of
I have a black sand base, Ive been getting little white spots, almost look like small volcano's....any idea?
every tank ends up getting those little star fish, however i noticed one has gotten to be over an inch in a half, should i start taking them out?
looks like this little guy about the same size
bottom of my birdsnest turn pure white, what can i do?
if i were to get anything it would be corals
So i going to Louisville Ky in the next couple of weeks, anyone been in the area before and any shops worth stoppin at? Also if i were to get...
So i got my UV set up today, My split in my line is right off my pump, so only 50% of the water through the pump is ran through the VU, so im goin...
oh and before someone starts scratching their head, they are the lights from a tank i tore down, had to use them for something. I have AI's on my...
Yes that is my LED lights being used as a shop light, and they work AMAZING!!! I can see everything in that engine bay.[ATTACH]
thanks adam, ill run to store tomorrow
corallife twist
So i picked up a UV stabilizer today from Coral Haven, problem im having is the fittings are to small looks like my lines are atleast 1" what...
hes changed from the 3 reef tanks to almost a dozen huge tanks now, his main business is actually aquarium maintenance. Guys like me that dont...
title says it all is sea of marvals open today?