Separate names with a comma.
I have an older AC Jr that I am using today. May upgrade to a full one but with my AI contorller and the DIY top off I have running, not seeing a...
I am looking for ideas for plumbing my sump and possibly setting up an auto water change system. What I am really interested in is looking at...
This is awesome. I was just about to post a thread regarding sump plumbing and auto water change set ups.
Welcome to the site. There are a bunch of great people on here.
Welcome and looking forward to seeing pics.
Looking good. Do you have a thread or more pics on your scrubber?
Poop is is what feeds your corals [img]
What's the contaniner on the left going to be used for? Top-off or water changes?
This is a great bunch of guys and gals over here. Welcome to the community.
Welcome to the site and happy Reefing.
I thinkl Kyle is using the lad as an excuse to add more tanks. Hmmm. Brilliant.[img]
Next time I'm in Rockwell I will try to get in touch with you to see this in person.
You will not be disappointed. Hell anytime you get to see marine life on that scale it is worth the cost IMHO. Have fun. Been thinking about...
If you continue hitting the down arrow it will cycle through you feed cycles. I use multiple feed cycles depending on what I am feeding. If I am...
I don't advocate doing this but in a bind you could have cut the grounding prong off the extension cord. ONLY USE IT FOR THIS PURPOSE THEY ARE...
Its amazing how the mind works. I bet the designers did not see this foreseeable misuse. Hope they have one left.
Man I was getting ready to jump all over this. Is there a way to close threads in the new system? This is not the first time I saw this happen.
How much rock is too much?
I had a black clown jump out of my tank about a month ago. Wife found it petrified on the floor.