Separate names with a comma.
Thanks pete, thats actually where I got the majority of my information about it, there and a few forums. Unfortunately it also says use tweezers...
So I've gotten red wiry algae in my tank from somewhere, assuming a frag. The only method I've found online for eliminating this particular type...
Ill take 2. Thanks
A simple 2liter bottle trap with a piece of krill works great to catch em. Or you can usually get them in your hand or a net with some food too....
Yes. Peppermints are hardly reef safe, as many stores will claim. They are pretty much 50/50 whether they harm your corals our not. They may be...
Hey Pete, I'm in for splitting the turbos. Just sent ya 20. Thanks!
Anyone want to split 100 turbos with me? 50ea for $20
HA! Agreed, thats funny...and agreed, he'll be fine.
scooters arent as bad as mandarin gobies from my experience, but they do both sometimes eat only pods. They can deplete through those pretty fast...
Alright, whos gunna give Nik crabs? =) I'm in. Could use a new CUC myself.
Ps, roman the 2nd 125g isn't helping my $ situation either haha!
Thanks for the suggestions jaime. I will check those out as well as a few you tube vids to get a better understanding of how they work. I have...
Great explanations guys..i have ben in the hobby about a yr and a half and seem to have figured most everything out by now except reactors and...
Like others have said it could go either way, however I doubt they will kill it. My bta died a month ago and guess where my maroons moved? My...
Haha for being such a docile species they sure get themselves in trouble alot. I had one that would constantly follow my coral banded around until...
Chaeto, chaeto, chaeto! It works wonders. When I inherited an established tank it had nitrate over 150. After water changes to get it down to a...
Thanks John, I think I may have found one though. Theres always a possibility that it could fall through, so if it does I may be talking to you,...
I had a fist size clump grow until it consumed the middle section of my 30g sump, about the size of a large watermelon, or a little bigger. It...