Separate names with a comma.
Only 2 more weeks... Just got my broken UV sterilizer back today. Should I put the fish in copper free water for a few days before putting them...
Nice baby clowns. I can't wait to put mine back in my display tank. 6 fish in 12 gallons of water is not fun to stare at [img]
You added inverts before you cycled the tank? That's usually not a very good idea from what I've read. Have you been monitoring your ammonia...
How long has your tank been up and running?
I wouldn't disturb the sand bed either. The new sand will be colonized by your sand bed critters naturally.
apjohnson is right. Loud fans are almost always due to bad bearings. Or the blades could be dirty making them unbalanced.
I guess my clowns haven't gotten to this stage yet. They just chase anyone in their territory. If I go into the tank, they just swim in their...
Some reef fish species are able to turn from females into males. This is actually a common ability. But anemonefish have the ability to sex-change...
Don't forget that if you do go with a new one, the overflow kits are $50 each.
Haha, it was free with the amazon xbox arcade black monday deal [img] We got rock band 2 and scene it 2 this weekend. We have Sega Tennis too [img]
Very interested but broke [img] I really want some blue in my tank. Love the green and teal and blue ghost [img]
I have that AGA and it is awesome. I was deciding between exactly those two models when I bought mine this summer. Got mine for $475 though in...
h2so4hurts Just got it for christmas, and I only have the arcade games and DDR world tour or something like that (It came for free with the...
I like my two pump set-up. I was going to switch to a single mag10, but decided that it'd be better to have one pump as a backup in case the...
If you want your venturi to work you need to keep it at the recommended level. I was dumb when I made mine and now I have an air line hooked up...
Have you used any medications on your freshwater tanks?
Why? Are their chemistries compatible? I'd be careful about mixing things together that you don't know anything about. I use Instant Ocean and...
I wish I had room for a fish only tank. I love triggers [img]
35g frag tank canopy won't take very much wood. I made my whole 120 stand and canopy for $100. I bet you could make one out of new wood for $20.
Couldn't you order an acrylic tube for the GFO half of the reactor? Haha, or cut a window in it and silicon on some plastic from a pop bottle to...