Separate names with a comma.
I have large colony of pulsing xenia that I would like to remove from my tank. I would be willing to sell the frags very cheap. Each frag would...
I'm in Waterloo. 706 Wildwood Rd, Waterloo Iowa, 50702
I have a bunch of magazines that I would like to give away to anyone interested in them. The wife say they have to go. If you are interested...
Waverz, No reason it has to be Precision marine. This unit seemed to be of quality and reasonably priced. What Deltec unit do you have?...
Looking to buy a precision marine Kalkreactor. Please PM me if you have on for sale or trade.
Waverz, I could use a new solenoid valve. Please PM me with the detail to make an order with your order.
I use a 100 micron filter sock sold by marine depot 24/7. Keeps micro bubbles and larger particals in check. I run them through a rinse cycle in...
So I was doing a night check tonight happened apon about 25 1-2mm baby clown fry swimming all over the place. My clowns have only spaned twice...
If im not to late...I am in need of few myself. Let me know the specific. Never been part of a group buy so let me know what I need to do to get...
Please PM if you have some you would like to sell or trade something for let me know. I live in Waterloo but if not to far will come and get them....
I think my clown fish have spawned in my tank. Can anyone give me some advise as to what I should do with the eggs. I can't move the rock that...
I am looking for dark blue mushroom corals. I am from the Waterloo area. Please pm or reply if you live in the area and you have one for...
Sorry for the late response I have working long days and did not get a chance to respond. My location is in Waterloo.
I have a Pulsing Zenia that is starting to take over my tank. I decided to trim it back a bit and keep it under control. I had to just throw...
Hi all, I have recently experienced a rise in the level of nitrates and want to know if my suspicions are correct regarding the cause. Normally,...
Would someone explain how to post a picture in the forum. Do I need to link to it from the web or can I simply cut and past it in here. Straighten...
Slovan, I have it mounted on my 90gal. I have it on the side glass panel right now. The current does not reach all the way across to the other...
I just installed the new Vortec propeller pump and man is this thing cool. At first I turned it to full speed and instantly debris and what not...
FYI - Equipment update: I have sold all equipment listed except for the Aqua C Remora Protein Skimmer.
Regal Plastic, Inc. in Evensdale has weld-on and the applicator as well. I think they have a scrap bin that you can dig out as well if you need a...