Separate names with a comma.
Ive gone to a strictly first of the week shipments, if a vendor cant understand or doesnt care enough about the livestock to adjust the shipping...
Thanks for the info craig, I might have to grab a few boxes from you and give it a go
Do you have any info or specs on the salt? Im thinking about running something new for my 180
Id be interested in the frogspawn, i could swing by thursday afternoon and take a look at it and a few other things if that works for you drop me...
Would you be interested in an older slash? I bought it for my boys and never really ran it, it was used. If your interested I can get you some...
Thanks guys
They were at spring fest and I bought a beautiful torch frah from them and ive been kicking myself in the butt for not buying the two other frags...
I know many on the board and those involved in making the fests say its a thankless job. Well some of us understand the effort, time and sacrifice...
I stopped and talked to craig this morning, I can be there alittle after 7 to help out
I have a rock thats about 25lbs covered completely with green star polyps and I have a ton of frogspawn if your interested
I'll take the sinularia, and possibly a hammer and frogspawn and duncan
Seems like I havent seen the usually bombardment of awesome coral pics yet. Whos bringing what and how much is it? Thats the sure...
Is the raffle "must be present to win?"
I had a couple dendros years ago and they did great, minus catching two or three of my green chromis as they swam by and eating them.
I had a solid orange yuma with a neon green mouth years ago and I sold tons of the babies throughout the club. I was wondering is anyone still had...
Anyone currently using these and how do you like them?
And the dimensions of the 375 also, is that tank acrylic?
ALaake what are the dimensions of the 180?
Pm sent