Separate names with a comma.
I have done research on most of the stuff. I just have yet to on a couple corals (going off of LFS advice on those) and the chocolate chip...
we picked up the vast majority from Anemones Clowns & corals. we got our rock there as well (about 75 LBS) which cycled our tank in 2 or 3 days... check it out, about a month and a half old. it cycled in a couple days. how am I doing? The current...
got an emerald crab on my pulsing Xenia... paid for him because I wanted another but he rode home in the bag on the rock. I think I got a...
nope but his turn is coming up soon
[img]well here it is!
I've always wanted to try these but I don't know anyone that hunts them [img]
it seems like at least one of my fish has tiny spots at any given point, my new yellow tang has it now. I'm not concerned about it when they...
well we went to pick the tank up today... and ended up upgrading to a 125 gallon why you might ask? because it fit in the minivan
I almost never top my 60 gal tank off, I mostly just do water changes when it looks low and my salt level is still at 1.025 SG where I want it...
I'm just getting tired of looking at these plugs...
I got started into freshwater and loved it after this my mother stated that she had always wanted to try saltwater but neverwanted to spend the...
I forgot to add that we picked up a 3250 watt generator the other day so we can be ready in case we loose power
in the past 3 months I have started my first aquariums. these include a 5 gallon betta tank, a 15 gallon freshwater community tank, and a 60...
this is a 60 I have had up and running for at least a month and a half. the tank cycled with 75 LBS of live rock from AC&C and the cycle was...
I went to AC&C today and picked up 8 different corals & frags, a tube anemone, an urchin, a brittle star, a orange star, a blue damsel, a yellow...
Trevor I sent you a PM
so who does freshwater tanks? I currently only have 2 small freshwater tanks, a 5 gal betta tank and a 15 gal Zebra Danio tank. I am dying to find...
I picked one up from craig (Xroad) and could not be happier This thing pulls a substantial ammountn of nastieness out of my tank pretty...