Separate names with a comma.
holly bubble tipps
pm sent
is mp40 still avalible?
can you post pics location
when @MillerTime is done with it i would like to use it i switched my led out for t5s.
[IMG] MY salfin tang.
lol us reef junkies are hoarders i got like 6 tanks in the basement empty lol:lol::roflmao: never bad to have a few extras on hand lol
beautiful tank thought you had 2 for sale?
this is a good deal this should go fast.
yep I got it @beckerj3 will be done with it by tomorrow then i will pass it on to @Boostedbolt ill pm you.
i will message you my address
so you want some bam bams?
bam bams 10-15$ pending on frag reef rafts 10$
i have some zoas for sale it you are interested?
when you are finished with the par meter do you need me to come get it or will you drop it off?
thats sweet where did you get him from?
looks good
everything is sold