Separate names with a comma.
Well she's up and running! Waiting for the temp to get up there so I can throw in a huge chunk of rock from main tank for a quicker cycle...
Just emptied and cleaned up my 50 fresh water tank with the intention of tearing down completely. Now that it's empty and cleaned up, I'm having...
@Waterrat41 - A 50 gallon definitely would not cut it for the non reef safe fish I'd like to get. Plus most of my corals in my 90 are still pretty...
Over the holidays I really fell out of love with my tank, with the hustle and bustle of work and family, I really let my tank go. I even...
Yeah, it sucks. He was the most active member of the tank too. All the other fish are fat and healthy. No issues that I can tell. I honestly feel...
I actually started off with a 55 for the first year and was very unhappy with the size of tank the entire time. The things I wanted to do /...
I'll have a dead foxface by morning. I'm always battling something or another it seems and I'm pretty much over it and this will be the last...
After 16, yes 16, MONTHS my two polyp sunny d frag finally sprouted a new polyp! I thought for sure I was never going to see any growth from it....
Was cleaning some stuff up last night and came across a 2' T8 fixture and bulb. I think I have enough room to retro fit it under my tank (after...
I actually have an extra T12 fixture and bulbs. Too bad it's a a large 4'er and won't fit under my sump ;)
Sorry for the late replies! Been hectic with work this past week. I started carbon dosing this week. Good 'ol Hawkeye vodka for the win! @Buku,...
Currently it's a LED light bulb with the metal reflector. Ran opposite tank lights for 10 hours. Sent from my iPhone via App
It's currently at the point that I have hair algae and cyano growing on the chaeto. Sent from my iPhone via App
It doesn't grow crazy fast, but there is always a good amount of noticeable growth Sent from my iPhone via App
I currently have a fuge with some chaeto (size of a large cantaloupe) Sent from my iPhone via App
I have looked into them, as far as reading up on them and talking to a few people that have had them. The biggest issue I have is space. Under...
I have had an ongoing problem for close to a year with elevated nitrates and phosphates. I have tried everything that has been suggested; more...
Yeah. Unfortunately I work most of the day Saturday. Plus Iowa City is south of me. I'm traveling North. Second time I've missed it. Sent from...
Will be in the Mason City / Clear Lake area on Sunday. Throwing some feelers out there looking to spend my bonus and pick up some new eye candy!...
According to the seasons table, sunset is 19:02....So lights out at 7pm? I don't even get home from work until 5:30, so that only gives me an hour...