Separate names with a comma.
I would like to do the apex feeder but i opt for the cerbra is a pretty expensive light swicth that's all i trust it to do at the moment. Sent...
Was curious on everyone's fish feeder as mine has died and was looking to get a new one and thought i would ask everyone opinion on their feeder....
I will say rtv108 is some soild stuff i put together a tank but had to tear it apart didn't notice a panel moved on me and now i have to stay...
I would help if you need help with drilling a couple holes i have a couple of bits if you decide to go that route. Sent from my SM-N920V using...
I also have had this happen to me with an yellow assessor i think i went 6 months and not seen him than bam their he was out and about swimming...
D and N would probably be your cheapest that I've heard threw the grape vine Sent from my SM-N920V via App
Price on the bta Sent from my SM-N920V via App
I wouldn't worry about it I've been using that stuff for many years and not had a problem. I think the corals need a very small amount of it i...
I would go with the finnex that's what i run on my tank and very pleased with them. I would try to find an apex lite or a reef keeper lite the...
I have Caulerpa you can have I'm in marion you have to come get it tho Sent from my SM-N920V via App
You would've thought i would haved learned from my last pair they took a jump to. Sent from my SM-N920V via App
So i added two blue jaw fish yesterday morning and they were doing great out and about seeing around eating right away with the new tank mates...
I have a Marineland 4 foot 150 and it's drilled with a center over flow just need something for a sump and the stand needs to be skinned. I used...
Im not sure what you have for a budget but you could look at I ordered a tank from them and was very pleased with it. My...
I would like more fish of the smaller variety Sent from my SM-N920V via App
I would like to add more fish but don't know what to add this is what i have at the moment. 2 black clowns 1 royal gamma 1 yellow assoior 1...
How is the green house doing? Sent from my SM-N920V via App
How is the tank coming along? Sent from my SM-N920V via App
Whats your method when you buy inverts for the main display? Sent from my SM-N920V via App
I finally put ozone on my tank. Wow is all i can say water is so much clearer its like having fresh carbon all the time ive had it on my tank for...