Separate names with a comma.
Welcome! I believe there are some all in ones for sale from members right now... if you're really interested in a self contained system that...
Is it reef ready or drilled at all?
Not to hijack this thread... but what are your plans for the 120g? I've been looking for a 48x24x24 for a while.
After trying a bunch of fancy salts over the years I settled on the standard red sea salt. The pro version contains elevated ca/alk/mg. If you're...
I'd try to remove the silicone and reweld with weld-on 16. Weld-on 16 isn't the strongest but as long as the frag tank isn't super tall I don't...
I once assumed a starry blenny was dead for at least a month and eventually found him alive and well in my overflow. The only reason I spotted...
Oh wow you're cutting it close! I believe if you got a 180g glass from it would end up weighing quite a bit more... if I remember...
I have a 400g display but it's far from mature. I'm sure someone in the club has something bigger.
It definitely won't change the need for floor reinforcement. An acrylic 180g weighs roughly 125 lbs empty vs glass at around 250 lbs. However,...
Yikes.. what's going on there? Sudden bacterial bloom? Vinegar overdose? The wp lineup was jebao's first generation powerhead. The next...
Any room to put up a small frag rack in the display or sump? They can be made pretty easily out of egg crate.
First off... congrats on diving in! You've come to the right place. You want your sand bed to be aragonite based for sure (don't use play...
If you can't find anything used I can vouch for the Jebao pp pumps. I put a pp-4 on a 29g and didn't have too high of expectations. I was blown...
Not sure how well it will work on an herbivore like a rabbitfish but I've seen more picky carnivores enticed from live brine shrimp or fresh clam...
Just a heads up that the PetCo $1/gallon sale is going on through January 28th. Additionally, it looks like select locations are now including 75...
Very cool idea. And then if you do have anything accumulate in the return chamber it should be pretty easy to remove. I have too much flow in...
Is that an auto feeder right above your return pump? Very interesting idea.