Separate names with a comma.
Jay has a Blue spotted jawfish and a yellow watchman goby and they are just fine in the same tank. They each have their areas in the tank (29g)....
very cool, thanks for the info. I just figured I would ask [img]
looks like most of the angels (on live have reef-compatable "with caution". Anyone with experience with these? -Justin
i just got 2 green chromis, 2 pepermint shrimp, and 1 yellow coral goby...(along with snails adn crabs) and everything arrived good. we also...
Thanks a lot to JB for the free frags. I know Jay was super stoked about his new green slimer and other SPS stuff. My ZOAs look to be doing...
Naw, I mean epoxy rock/rubble to the bottom of the wood, not tank...if there is water in the tank it's no good ;(
Couly you Epoxy Rock to the bottom of it?
Buy some lead plate or some fishing weights. Hog out the bottom and secure the weights below. All you have to do is find out how much weight it...
order placed in through email $45
Jay, I would be interested in getting the following if we place an order sooner than later (most are WYSIWYG): -23. Nuclear Greens- $10 -78....
any other purchases for your birthday? I got 2 pepermint shrimp yesterday and they are pretty cool (but hiding a lot right now). Happy...
[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
i got 10 nastrea snails and 2 astrea snails. right now I think the stuff in the sand is a bit lacking for them to eat but the crabs and shirmp...
I GOT CRABS!!! Well, I got more than crabs. I got an order in from reefs2go with my blue legged hermit crabs, some snails, a Yellow...
I should be there.
i'm in the same boat..
Did you have gifts registered on Foster and Smiths or Live Aquaria??
PM sent
ya I saw that, just didn't know if there was a set date each month for meetings or if it was held ad-hoc each month... -Justin
I am new to the club so please excuse my dumb questions... -Do we have monthly or quarterly meetings/get-to-gethers for a beer/information and...