Separate names with a comma.
If you have two wireless I think the sync feature is great.
Hoping to swing over today for a goby/pistol pair. Do you have any guarantees on fish? thanks!
Fricken love my MP10WES with my Apex WXM module. So awesome!
I've got one in Farley. Pm me If interested
Where you located?
Sorry for your loss. I wish I was closer to help you out.
I have one you can have if you are up by Farley any time. Would be this one
*VDM in previous post Sump built, filled and overflow tuned up. DT looks so much cleaner now. Still some microbubbles but 99% better than...
Looking to trade in teh dubuque area my 20 Long tank. It has a black painted back and a couple scratches on the front. So woudl work for a QT...
Well, we have quite a few updates. Currently in transit to my house are Apex Jr WXM Module VMX Module and dimmer cable for the...
that frog is awesome!
if my tank was ready I'd be hitting you up! pics! [img]
You do realize this thread is almost three years old right?
Got an Apex on the way. Still looking for a sump.
Sorry should have said Dubuque CR area.
Looking for a sump 10 or 15 gallon tall. As well as an Apex Junior with temp probe. Thanks!
Sounds good thanks!
Yeah I posted that it just works if you want all the old posts with no way to sort them by date. I want posts from the last 30 days that include...
Yes there are plenty threads in the buy/sell over the past week that have the keyword sump. I can search sump with the Search Posts From:...