Separate names with a comma.
Ok, moved the house now we need to move the tank. I know jokes fly over the size of my nano but it usually wouldn't be a problem but I think its a...
Very nice , What size tank is that?
Kyle , you rock dude. If anyone has been a real addition and benefit to the club it is you. . The party at your house was cool(as well as your man...
My opinion would be to replace them. The pressure is the major issue here. Just putting glass over broken glass and sealing it would take care of...
Welcome and congrats on the tank. Please post pics when you can . I am sure everyone would love to see it . I am sure there are people here with...
I feel for you . I hate losing fish .
Gonna try and come I am moving that whole week so it might be tricky. That huge tank of mine will be the big issue during the move. LOL
you got pmed
diatoms maybe?
I feel your lose. I had clown that was eleven when she died. it was just his time. Sorry for the lose
very nice !!!
When I was at macna I got a chance to talk to Brett. I asked him how they did the big tank for the asian family. He said that was done over weeks...
looks sweet ? Lets see the pics of the sump!!
Man I am so jealous of the cool frags you have. All very nice. I so wanted to go to spring fest but with my tank literally full and the move in...
ok , where did you get that sump at . That is just the thing I 'm looking for
Raffle at a fest I can never stay long enough to attend so I usually give away my tickets. I think two a year is great but how about a more...
ok, just my opinion and that of the rep from AI. The radion is overpriced plus it has a major design flaw . Who sucks salt water air up into a...
Thanks for the pump ThyRaven.
Ok that is so super cool. I was about to say what crap until you said you can click anywhere on the pictures. That is really amazing . I have 2...
Mthomp- thanks for all the advice I will definitely use it. Blackx-runner- I really wanted a 125 but finances and wife dictated a 90. I know...