Separate names with a comma.
getting out alan?
favia may be a war coral.
do you have a photobucket account zack?
best thing would be to move it to a higher flow area. this is the only way they receive food and keep detritus buildup of there tissue. a...
whats up man......glad to see you made it on the site [img]
welcome back rick.....about time [img]
Hey all,So i got this reactor 6 months ago for my DT, was gonna do a sps dominate reef. Then i got into zoas and chalices. This thing actually...
all chalices sold. till have some favias.
AWSOME, AWSOME right up! We need to start a thread of the month! Seriously Bud. Thank you for taking the time to right/post this. ATS are one...
PJ, i love the idea of this setup. kinda like a super beefed up biocube. could look pretty sweet! couple questions: -what will you be...
just remember, once you start there's no going back!
i have just one on my 120 (all blue). best thing about the reefbrites is you can tell that there on even with halides running!
awsome man, can't wait to see some pics! are you gonna do a reef and a fowlr?
glad everything was to your liking [img]
all pm's replied
updated org. post for location
well time has come to sell some stuff [img] all frags have been healing for over a month. please pm if your interested. i prefer local pick up,...
i know! this week there running a special, there new mister is $89.99!!!!!!!! im on dendroboards already [img] (tinctacular is the handle)...
thanks guy, gonna do some dend. tinct. in there. hopefully get my hands on a breeding pair [img]
So over the last couple months reefing as been taking alot of my time. This month and last i decided to take a break and try my hand at something...