Separate names with a comma.
+1. Sea of Marvels is great... I didn't realize how nice I had it living in North Liberty. The only downside I saw is he can have goofy hours...
It's been a few years since I've attended a fest and I'm looking forward to trying to make it to this one. Maybe I just wasn't looking...
I'd like to get a delay on my Apex so my skimmer doesn't turn back on for a few minutes after power comes back on (giving the sump level a chance...
This may seem like semantics.. but technically all of these are really venturi skimmers. The broader venturi context simply refers to the way air...
I'll add that I was also considering MTC vs LifeReef and gave MTC a call and an email prior to trying LifeReef. I liked how it sounded like MTC...
Is it possible to find RTV-108 locally (DSM area)? 2 weeks seems like a pretty long cure time. What's the cure time on GE-I?
RO isn't the traditional style of venturi that I believe got2lb is looking for. RO is the typical needlewheel style you see on the market today...
I run a 78" tall LifeReef on my 400g. I've only had it around 6 months or so and the tank is nowhere close to stocking capacity but it is quite...
If you were in the Des Moines area I'd take this immediately.
I'm going to put a regal angel through hypo in the QT tank he's currently in. I'm aiming for about 11-13 ppt but I'm not quite sure how I should...
How large do they go on their sale?
Don't raise your alk through dosing anything though. Once your salinity pulls back up to 35 PPT you are going to be on the higher side on alk...
Was your salinity around 27 ppt by any chance? That's roughly the salinity that your Ca and Mg would be lined up with. Makes things a little...
Have you checked your salinity with a calibrated refractometer? I'm stunned you were able to get all of your levels that low.
Trumpet and a flower pot (goniopora) come to mind. I can't think of anything that can compare to the height of a branching SPS though.
Definitely not... especially on a smaller system. Things like water changes and top offs all much more manageable on moderately sized systems. I...
Dang that makes me feel sick! That was such a beautiful naso.. and powder blue. Bleh.
I'm so sorry to hear that... That's terrible news. Was this on your 300g DD or the 200g (or 220?) in-wall?
Haha, I keep finding myself tempted to try a wrasse from the Halichoeres family but stories like this have kept me at bay.
Nice... is that a Vrolik's wrasse? Did he decimate your cleanup crew?