Separate names with a comma.
Please do. I'm sure yours will do much better justice haha.
Here's what that wrasse was in the gorgonian. After seeing how those ones acted in the wild I would never get one for my tank :eek: Saltwater...
@Turbo's Aquatics Did you go on your trip there yet?
Here's the very amateur edit of one of my trips out snorkeling. Next time I'll bring better gear. I had a camera mounted into my mask I picked up...
That's ok. I want to get one but had forgotten they existed until I read your post. I will also add that my L2 runs lights on for 5 hours on 19...
I use Finnex titanium digital as my primary and an Aquatop digital as my backup set 2 degrees cooler just in case the Finnex failed.
What size of the reactors do you have? If it's the small and you want to part with one I'd buy it and run it with purigen and my scrubber and take...
You can buy a 55 gallon glass tank from me for $35 bucks if you want. It was my cichlid tank. Hasn't been used for about 2 years. It needs some...
I've almost been running just a scrubber. I have an L2 and have my skimmer dialed in to make very dry skimmate. I get about a quarter inch of...
So basically Salifert wins? I'm probably going to start using it to second opinion my Hanna Checkers given recent events.
My original yellow coris wrasse killed my melanarus wrasse. I figured, tanks big enough and they don't look similar in color they should be fine....
At least it was actually delivered to your house and not someone elses 2 miles away and left on their porch in 20 degree weather. It never arrives...
I'd definitely come to something like this. I also have stuff I want to get rid of, like the kind of stuff you aren't expecting to make money on...
Basically the middle 2 tanks benefit from 3 lights while the outer two tanks benefit from 2 lights, and not evenly as the outside edges of the...
Here's my readings since July 2014 as to temperature. There are some outliers due to cycling period, cleaning the seneye device, etc. 79.2 is my...
I thought this was the most interesting part, "Your study while interesting has one major flaw. Because the dividers in the tank are clear the two...
I am going to try and get something spliced together this weekend. Problem is that I had the camera on a head mount so I have to stabilize a lot...
Ive requested mine. I had 3 bad bottles, 2 lot numbers. 1 bottle was ok.
So. Has anyone ever noticed their lawnmower blennies become lazy and fat? The two I've owned, 20 years ago and now both stopped eating algae after...
Yeah those are the same ones. I looked up the label. Maybe he will like them and it wasnt a fluke haha.