Separate names with a comma.
Mine is 18_23_72 was told 125 never checked if it's bigger cool
Sounds good and find out about the gal I'd like to no
Are u sure 135, I think it a 125 if not cool same as mine ,and I payed to much for my leds for sure then almost double the cost same tank ,o well...
whats the dimensions on a 135, and just out of curiosity what did your lights run$ just got a comparison to what I spent
Cool what size ,a what did u do for lights
Thanks Pete ,did u ever get your big tank up and running
Installed 3 kessil 350w on my 125 hope it's worth it ,,,[img] [img] [img] [img]
The swelling is down still in some pain ,,they sent me home with a pick line in my arm I half to run treatment every 12 hours but better then...
Where is that link ,my wife needs to help me for about 2 weeks and won't even feed my Eel tell I get some,,,if all else fails I go buy something...
Now Im looking for some kind of water gloves ,,any idea
Update Im buying some type of gloves before I **** with my tank or someone else's ,,, [img] [img] [img] [img][img] [img][img][img] [img] [img]...
Sorry smart phone auto spell
I'm not sure it hurts like hell and my thumb is bum,agent to the doc already if it's not better from the meds at all by morning Im going back doc...
Went to someone s house that was giving away a starfish and some snails while I was there I removed them from the tank while picking up a chunk...
Got off early today so when u r ready give me a call
Cool talk to u then
Like the title said I've got a 40gal breeder with a 30gal sump drilled with t5 lights,, make a offer open to trade for.sure Im running a 125 now...
My name is bill You can give me a call 515 770 8217 , or Tex thanks ,
I have a 125 they will love