Separate names with a comma.
Oh what a bummer!
Yup it needs more time and if you can a room with less moisture. Especially if it's a little on the thicker side of a silicone job. I once did a...
I regularly feed my corals (zoa's included) as I have non photosynthetic sponges that need daily feedings and I have seen a wonderful improvement...
I sent you both messages
You can ditch the lids, or if you have jumpers and can't really consider that option and don't want to go with egg crate, mesh, or screening you...
Ok here's what's left: with updated and reduced pricing! I need these gone by Thursday, we are starting the work that evening... ! so everything...
they just sent out there first email... I think it was titled "MACNA Updates and Information" you should search your email for it, just in case. [img]
haha yeah we did it at the last macna down in miami... and really I think last year we didn't even print it out, we just brought the receipt and...
ah nevermind, apparently I was wrong, he doesn't want any in the reef.
na you just print them out once they email you them. In my case I get the information of the new folks and just transfer the tickets into their...
any nice and tall ones?
Is anyone looking for 2 full access passes? We got our tickets already but it looks like we won't be able attend this year after all. We've...
I do! But your quite a drive away.
Here's whats left: PRICE REDUCED: STILL WOULD LIKE TO SELL ASAP. [img] Ocellaris pair (~2" ♀ ,1.5"♂) $30 *see picture Fancy percula...
aleciadooley, I very rarely advice mixing multiple clowns in a single tank. Especially one as small as a 75g, in order for me to even consider...
at that size you could chance it, could being the operative word though. with 2 smaller clowns I would worry, he's a bigger boy and those are some...
what other clowns do you have? size, type? what kind of tank? size? that's a lot of variables there armydog. [img] Clarkii's are feisty no doubt...
Yes Armydog I've offered mine... even a single male who would easily pair with them, but since they are all on pots not nems they don't want them....
If it only has one there's bound to be more, but if you can see the one easily, save yourself some real trouble and just get it out now....