Separate names with a comma.
Here is a picture with lights,
It might be because they are https
@Kungpaoshizi I think it is the rock. I'm taking a chance but I took all the rock out and switched it for caribsea life rock. I also vacuumed...
Yeah, it does seem a little risky to me. I notice on one of the corners that the side glass is slightly higher at the edge on top. It is even on...
Hey Bud. Thanks for your concern. It is a glass tank and it actually sits on a plastic platform that came with the tank. Even on a wider...
I don't have personal experience with it but I've read that corals use violet and ultraviolet for photosynthesis. Green is easy to see by the...
Thanks for the suggestions. I might try switching the ballasts out and sticking with the coralife. Thanks for the offer Roman. While I'm not...
Hello All, I am wanting to change the light I currently have on my 10 gallon 24x10x10 to a 2x24w 24" t5 fixture. I am wanting to support sps...
Yeah. I ordered a skimmer and some no3po4x but someone I talked to with a fair amount of experience said that when he left everything alone and...
Thanks! It is a biocube stand. There is a small platform under the tank and then it extends beyond either side of the stand. The heater/air...
My nitrates and phosphates read 0. Not sure how the algae keeps holding on. The rock is very porous and has many macroalgae that have sprouted...
I have an emerald crab I found chewing on my acropora so I caught him and have him in tupperware container. Free to anyone who wants to pick him...
This might be the same thing, [MEDIA]
Thanks to all who were interested. jdinspctor is going to pick it up tomorrow. If he doesn't, I will give it to the next person that contacted...
Giving away the above. Free to a good home. I'm not sure how well it works but its free. The maxijet is a cobalt. Preferrably to someone in...
I really enjoyed everyone's tank and the conversation. Thanks for letting me use the par meter.
Updated route with tbraz removed,
I don't think you are a part of the route. It just detects your location and adds you in. It shows the directions from the perspective of the...