Separate names with a comma.
Beginning of day 4. I have the Mg raised and holding at just under 1800. ( A little higher than I wanted but lower than dangerous levels. As...
Burkart you can always ask them to order you stuff. I have special ordered a bunch from them. You can also check out sea of marvels. Hung usually...
48will save you in bulb cost, throw more straight light and should run cheaper. I am an hqi fan myself, great overgrowth and penetration, and with...
Duh... sorry. Ive always just called it eds but yes coralville bay. Couple good looking Puffers, bunch of yellow tangs, and some pretty nice...
Man I just got back from a waterloo run about two hours ago!
How much live rock? I can stop tomorrow.
As a reminder, a sump that stays lit 24/7 produces no benefits. The idea of running macro in the sump is to absorb nittrates and phosphates, yes,...
Ed got in a good shipment of some really nice walling corals along with a bunch of SPS and gonipora if any one is looking for some Corals.
Bristle worms are probably the most common, yet misunderstood hitchhikers in the reef tank. One reason for this is that they are scavengers of...
They will typically fall out of the siphon hose unless the hose you use is huge. You want a steady low flow in your siphon hose and not a gushing...
This is a tried and true method, my 40 runs a setup like this. My 75 has an rdsb In a ten.for a similar purpose and my fragtank has two tens...
One the many reasons I have come to respect sponge! She is dead on here.
Length of the tank?
Ran some calculations on Calcium magnesium and alk. Looks like I can go ahead and raise my MG up by about 260 units a day without causing severe...
You would have to check them, cant bring a liquid on a plane.
You will want a chissle too. But nope. Thats how most people aquascape. Its probably the best idea for you. The rock looks lime pukani which is...
Added roughly 130 ml of twch m this morning. Should raise tank levels by 40 ppm. Will get a new base line. Because I cannot edit the original I...
3/4 at gravity tolowpressure is going to run about 660 pH at a flow rate of about 6foot a second. Typically we Goethe doublenyour return size rule...
In terms of skin conditions? Free ammonia is highly toxic to aquatic life. It kills in aquariums at very low amounts. Any level above...
Mg base line is at 1240. Will post pics of the before before I start pulling stuff out.