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I'm planning on going with the family. Going to stay at Holiday Inn Express or Clarion not sure yet. Anyone else planning on attending?
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I live a mile from I80 to the north the Durant exit. I can meet you there at the exit ramp. Only need a baseball or softball size. Let me know...
Looking for Cheato around the Quad Cities.
Thanks to all of you for your advice. So far so good as my display tank fish look good and are eating like pigs.
Look for a uv sterilizer for my 135 setup. Would like a 25watts preferably. Thank you
I guess I'll just watch all my fish closely from now on and if I see it on any of them then I will tear the tank apart and catch all my fish....
I was thinking about treating the tank and fish with the following: [img] Full-spectrum disease prevention formula for marine aquariums * Safe,...
Well I got the fish that has ich out now I just wait and see if any of my other fish show any signs. I would have attended a ich chat if one new...
Thanks for the advice I appreciate it.
Xroads I did do some research and read some very helpful information. It doesn't hurt to ask fellow reefers if they have tried something like rid...
I noticed my Coral Beauty had white dots aka ich. I was able to catch him and get him in a hospital tank treated with Rid Ich. Any suggestion for...
Not yet I will see what I can find
I'm running a Eshopps Curve light. [img] [img]
I maybe interested in the reefkeeper. Pictures will be great, I'll be waiting.
I'm in need of a few 7" rectangle filter socks
I'm feeding the Rods and they love it. Thanks for all the comments.
Bump. I've see the skimmer in action. Awesome skimmer can't go wrong.