Separate names with a comma.
Have him in with a green clown goby...he chased him one time...goby chased him back around the tank and that was that. So with that and my sexy...
Ok not by tonight seeing as how roads are cruddy...but pretty sure by tomorrow. [img]
Thanks Armydog. He's a cool looking fish...his blue looks awesome under the LEDs. Been decent just getting big faster than I thought lol.
Just a 10 gallon glass tank. Needs cleaned out. Has some rock in it that would need cleaned up. Has a filter and lighting with hood. Also has...
I have a Blue Velvet Damsel that I'm looking to move out of my tank. Good color...wasn't used to cycle tank...just had in my 6 gallon and he's...
What color are the Acans? They look kinda purple and that right? Always hard to tell. [img]
Yeah I figure I will figure out what to do with everything once it gets out of control... I figure I have time lol
Pretty open...small frags. Going into my 6 gallon. Would like SPS, acro type stuff...honestly pretty open. Just needs to be smaller.
That's why I figured no better place to check than here! [img]
Sweet I'll look that one up! Thanks! I'm actually trying to find a small piece of Hawkins Enchinata. That and I just like wandering around the...