Separate names with a comma.
Live rosie a day for my single dwarf fuzzy lionfish.
Aaron awesome sun polyps! I need to get one but my tank(14 gal) is full. LOL
I put a peppermint shrimp(large one) in my tank too. 5 seconds later...he was protruding from the jaws of my dwarf lionfish.he was half the size...
Sorry if this hit a nerve, not my intention.I find it amazing when you see several full grown aiptasias in a tank with an abundance of immature...
[b][i][color=#0000ff>Why is it when you go to a LFS looking for frags or corals they have aiptasias in about every tank.They sell the remedy but...
Well will wait and see if anything happens. Thanks for the heads up. :-)
I have a strange question? Will hermit crabs reproduce in a marine tank?? I love the neon blue legged hermits I have 3 and wondered if they...
and keep the heater going!! Wear a short sleeve shirt too! :-)
joe, everything is still the same, I did add a large live rock last week.But I had some red slime on the side glass up top and on an area of the...
Fawn, thanks I'll look into that name. :-)
I need anID on a species of saltwater clam.When I bought this nano tank, it was an established setup.The live rock had small caves and in the...
Hey everybody, I just want to say thank you to the person I got live copepods and amphipods from(on a coral frag no doubt). They have helped...
AJ, Was nice meeting you too!We share a common interest, zoas and nano's ! LOL :-)
Thanks everyone. Xroads, yes it was definately worth the drive. When corals in Des Moines sell for $89 for the same things I paid $15 at the...
Not as interesting as the other things in the tank..but hey diversity works. :-)
Just an update, since my first post I have an established 14 gal nano thats up and full, guess I now HAVE to get the 29 up and going!! LOL
A big ole thank you to all that helped plan,setup,work the booths and pass out info. A very friendly event. I met lots of good people. :-)
the fall fest flyer that was on the table at the fest has all the sponsors and their email addys inside the front cover. :-)
Fawn, thats what it is! It did send a string out and reeled it back in, then shot two batches of the little whatyamakalits! LOL Yea!...
H2SO EEEK! kill that thing!! LOL Not an aiptasia, the tube is not that color, more opague. Must be a worm, still only has two little feelers...