Separate names with a comma.
If your tank has standard overflows the most you will be able to run through the two 1" drains is about 1200GPH MAX and your going to get gurgling...
At 5' of head pressure (assuming) your running approximately 600gph on the QO 4000 you need about a 240 watt UV if your going to run it inline...
heres the chart on exposure rates, notice ick is 336,000 and algae is only 22,000 which most manufacutres base their claims on....
Copied from a article, should clear up some questions you may have. Take the time to size a UV properly, or your money will be wasted....
Not sure what type of pump your are planning? external or internal? magnetic drive or direct drive there is a lot of choices. If you want a top...
UV light is a proving method of sterilization It's backed by science. The problem is that most are installed incorrectly or over rated. The...
I run one on my system. What do you need help with?
I have 3 400 watt ReefLux 12K single ended MH bulbs for sale. $10 each. Take all 3 and I'll ship them for FREE. Burned for approximately 6 months...
no problem:-)
Super glue is also a option for you since this is not a critical joint, it's also completely safe. It bonds very well to acrylic (but not glass)...
I've got the craftics solvent cement and weldon #16 here but I'm not to much closer than waterloo for you. The water in your sump needs to be...
Got it thanks!
No problem, I've just had it laying around in my spare parts.
You can send the payment to me at Just be sure to put a note with the payment what is it for so no one here gets...
How wide is the tank?
I"ve got this one I'll sell ya for $10 shipped brand new but no package
Price Update on whats left 75 gallon aquarium not drilled bottom, back and one end painted black - no scratches - $125 Aqueon pro 250 watt...