Separate names with a comma.
Looks like a good start.. Nice frag plug BTW:-)
I"ve got a in-line TDS unit but I guess I have never monitored the incoming water there really is nothing you can do about it. I monitor the TDS...
They can be very sensitive to water parameter swings but rip 3 of their arms off and they will live....go figure [img]
sorry I think the link broke, heres the current pic[img]
+1 The oceans took millions of years to mature we try to do it in a few months.
Lighting is mainly a personal preference as long as you are using bulbs designed for reef aquaria you will be fine a 50/50 split 10k/actinic is...
yellow coris wrasse?? I don't ever remember looking for one, you must be thinking of someone else. But thanks for the feedback on the tank! :-)
What type of lighting do you have and how long is it on for? I've done my own experiments and for some reason I have seen that running intense...
I have never really had issues with this. I feed my reactor of off my Ehiem 1262 return pump and have a plastic micro valve on the effluent output...
OK it's not letting me quote or upload anymore pics again???? Anyone know why it's doing this? They probably are they haven't been fed yet.
Ok I think my other thread is broken I can't add any reply through the add reply link. The form with the smily faces and html code will not let me...
OK I"m not sure why it won't let me quote or edit my post. When I click quote or edit the next page loads but with no quoted text and I am not...
Though I would add a little "happiness" to all the negativity here this last day:-) I should of kept the images bigger but was worried that they...
Updated pics of some of my SPS most are about 5 months old. Let's try this I'm trying to get this HTML down...
I"ve got one and some other things here, make an offer I am a bit of a drive your you though. http://www.greateriowareefsociety.o...fault.aspx
29 Biocube stand SOLD Marineland 350 Penguin Bio-Wheel Hang-on-Back Filters both SOLD Replacement Filter pads SOLD 1 200 watt heater SOLD