Separate names with a comma.
Interested in sps and reactors if you decide to part out.thanks
yep the cloudy water sounds like a bacteria bloom IMO it will clear up. I don't run biopellets but have done alot of reading and put some thought...
how convienent i will take that pest off your hands LOL. kool pic
Nice froggy man. I have a similar looking one mine is green with purple tips. I got him with 3 heads a year ago now he has 12 , they pop new heads...
Yeah they have a little fuzz, reddish color and white or light blue eyes.
So I noticed a couple of my acro colonies weren't looking to good the last couple weeks. All my params were perfect, I run AI's so i knew it...
damn i would have taken the green acan if you were closer. If anyone from CR is going to des moines this weekend let me know. Thanks
Haha indeed I am nick...I've been in the store twice this month and both times it was your day off. I picked up the bigger black sailfin blenny,...
^ I noticed that in the pic, good idea. Since a genius gave him the idea it couldn't have came from nick... :-)
I could put him in my 75 freshwater tank only problem is I'm in CR. If you come into town let me know ill take care of him.
Sounds good I'll be up for a stop next spring
I wish I could have been around today to be involved. Next tank tour I will have my house be one of the stops. Is there more than 1 tank tour a year?
I agree with all of the above about feeding SPS. I also feed my LPS frozen mysis, krill and cylopeeze. Every time I feed my fish all my acan's and...
I have a similar looking guy in my refugium. Looks like a slug of some sort, seems like a good guy to me.
I will say I do like the design and manual knob tuning on the fly these bad boys offer. I may buy a used one in the future to put over my nano,...
I have two battery backups and a 6000 watt generator, plus enough gas to run it for two weeks. My fish and corals will be living a lot more...
Yeah I saw those the other day. They kinda look like a big wireless router mixed with a dvd player haha. I'm not sure how they perform but i know...
I'm gonna be picking up my VDM module for my apex this weekend I'm pumped to run them through my Apex. Right now I'm using the AI controller is...