Separate names with a comma.
I just got a 300 gallon tank with the front low iron and it is very nicely made from check them out to. Sent from my SM-N920V...
A picture could help of you can muster one up! Lol Sent from my SM-N920V via App
Fans will help drop the temperature it is called evaporation cooling i belive. Just need to keep up with regular maintenance and just let it run...
No i won't be attending fallfest wife is out of town and i have the kids Sent from my SM-N920V via App
I'll take it if you want to ship it to marion and tell me what is going to cost and i could pay pal you Sent from my SM-N920V via App
Its up and running just need to add a little more salt but i ran outof salt lol forgot to order some does anyone have aqua craft in the cr area or...
Yes i will be using my old rock some of it will be in the main tank and some will be in the sump. I was thing about a 100 gallon rubbermaid tub...
It's for a door just cut it in half. Should've got the two single rails but it's not a big deal to me. Also made a aluminum frame that i set my...
Got some more done on the tank put the lights on a track that roll out and roll back in. 400 pounds of sand washed and put in and some rock put...
Got a little more done on the tank it is plumbed did another test fill and ran it for a few hours. I ended up up having a small drip by one of the...
How much did you loose while power washing it Sent from my SM-N920V via App
That's what i found to. I wasnt planning on buying sand went to wash the sand that i had and it is black and i washed some of it but it was stil...
I need to buy new sand does anyone know where a good place to buy dry sand i need roughly 350 lbs. Thanks Sent from my SM-N920V via App
Doing a test fill [IMG] Sent from my SM-N910V via App
Well I got the tank put in its spot it took a little elbow grease but we got it done. Thanks to my neighbors a good friend and family and a nice...
They just want to see everything when I'm done and the tank when I got the krat broke down Sent from my SM-N910V via App
Well it finally came I went to waterloo and picked it up at the shipping Depot I couldn't wait till Tuesday when they wanted to deliver it and I...
Just because you are switching to leds doesn't mean you need to sell your corals you just need to ramp the leds up slow otherwise you can...
I never received my email also and iplaced an order last night Sent from my SM-N920V via App
Its a custom tank i ordered from i dont have any pictures of the tank yet supposed to ship out the 7 of September Sent from...