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Hey all, I know this board is light on traffic these days, but I thought I would see if anyone had a line on a Malu anemone. PM if you have a...
Coral and fish pics
Testing the water to see if anyone is interested in a plug and play aquarium setup. I will be parting with the livestock and some of the hardware...
I have gotten setosa, goni, hammer and candy canes from her. They are all healthy and fantastic animals. A+ source for corals.
It's over 4 inches, but it has worked its way back to the middle of a bunch of colonies so I don't think it will be easy to get out any longer....
I have a fairly large anemone to sell. It moved to the back wall, so I am letting it go for $20 if somebody wants to pick it up in Ames while...
PM sent
She has awesome, healthy frags.
Thanks for purple monsters and paly's. Your tanks look awesome!
Is the tank scratch free? I would do $900 if it is. I'm in Ames, and I could make it happen this weekend. The $1000 is fair, but I have a...
@Martdog reeffer How big of a tank do you have your 90 on? Also, thanks @gburkart, thanks. My brother-in-law has the Prime on his Waterbox 20,...
I am starting the process of setting up a JBJ 45 gallon all in one. I am planning on a mixed reef with a couple of the heartier SPS, but mostly...
Tank, wet/dry and protein skimmer are sold PPU.
I also have the glass tops and original 48 inch T8 fixture for the tank.
I have 3 black box LED's - $25 each or $60 for 3 Eshopps 2 hose sump - It has been repaired (before it was ever even used) and functioned for 2...
What are the dimensions on the 120? Stand? Canopy? Glass tops?