Separate names with a comma.
I need a skimmer and am wondering what anyone has available out there. I'd rather it be inthe IC/CR area to avoid shipping/driving too far. I...
Well, I lost one chromis (found him on the powerhead) but that was right after I checked the parameters. Don't think it was water quality related....
Anyone? This stuff needs to go.
Tested Water. All parameters fine. Will repeat tomorrow.
I put in 10lbs or less. Will report results.
For the record, it's about 75-100lbs of rock and maybe 20-25 of that was soaking. At this point, I'll probably add a couple smaller pieces and...
Yes, I'd u want to add those two fish (or any aggressive fish) to the bio cube, add them last and together.
Good points, Kyle. I may be trying to be a little over cautious because my tendency is to always want to go too fast. I'd love to hear the...
Well, I grabbed a whole test kit. Ammonia around 2.0. Guess I'm waiting. Thanks for the help.
And so I will. Good idea. I'll grab some test strips.
I didn't have anything here to test for amonia (need to get a full test kit) but I figured no nitrites/nitrates after a week was a good sign.
The rock was very clean to the eye. And like I said, I tester nitrites and nitrates yesterday and got very little if anything.
OK, good to know. Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology or misunderstanding something, too. If the rock was out of water for long enough to...
I only spent 1G, and will be paying that off for a bit, but I figured short term pain, long term gain.
yeah, i read that a couple days ago. Deals specifically with taking rock out of an established tank and cleaning it of HA and other nuisance...
I'm not sure if there was a spike. I put it in there and tested for the first time this evening.
Yeah, it's going in the main tank. It was live then dried out for a bit. Some was kept wet. Don't want to screw anything up.
I mean, isn't supposed to cycle in there for like a month or something?
I have some rock that I got from Ray via j.stacey that's been cooking in the garage since Saturday. Some of it was already in water but all of it...
I thought the whole point of having a fish tank was to bring the outside inside. But then again, I get a sunburn even when wearing SPF 50...